John Knox Christian School
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Athletes of the Year


The Athlete of the Year award is given to the male and female student-athletes who have received the highest amount of Athletic Award points for the given year.

The student-athletes must also meet the following criteria:

  • Participated in a minimum of two (2) sports in the given school year
  • Demonstrated an above-average degree of athletic ability in all activities he or she participated in
  • Demonstrated leadership abilities on and off the court or field, which has made him or her a respected individual in the eyes of the staff, fellow athletes, and the student body in general.
  • Demonstrated athletic, personal, and sportsmanship abilities and qualities that have brought pride and respect to himself/herself and John Knox Christian School in the view of the community, opponents, and others.
  • Demonstrate to all a desire to better him/herself through athletics at John Knox Christian School
  • Above all, the athlete should be an example, or epitomize the type of athlete and individual who John Knox Christian School strives to develop through the sponsorship of extra-curricular athletics.


Grade 7: Chloe Cheng and Noah Cretney (not pictured)

Grade 8: Ian Jhou and Ciara Khan

Grade 9: Jonathan Timmer and Hannah Young (not pictured)

Grade 10: Isaac Glenu and Cecilia Yang

Grade 11: Evangeline Chu, Brendan See, and Patrica Kuo

Grade 12: Deren Jhou, Shannon Baynes, and Aryn Khan


Grade 7: Ian Jhou (not pictured) and Panya Kuo

Grade 8: Hannah Young and Jonathan Timmer

Grade 9: Louis Menco Busch and Chelsea Chun

Grade 10: Brendan See and Patricia Kuo

Grade 11: Deren Jhou and Shannon Baynes

Grade 12: Noah Jacoby


Grade 7: Daniel Kim and Summer Uy

Grade 8: Sungjae Chung and Caitlin Fong

Grade 9: Jimmy Wang

Grade 10: Christoffer Ngwanza and Louisane Kaniki

Grade 11: Nicholas Low

Grade 12: Noah Slotman